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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sony's new NEX E-mount 10-18mm, 16-50mm power zoom and 35mm F1.8 lenses

Three new Sony E-mount lenses: the 16-50mm power zoom, 35mm f/1.8 lens and 10-18mm super-wide lens

Sony has announced three new E-mount lenses at Photokina 2012 for their NEX cameras. A 35mm F1.8 prime lens, a 10-18mm super-wide zoom and a 16-50mm power zoom lens.

There's one lens that caught my interest the most and that is the 10-18mm F4. I've been looking for a good super-wide angle lens with auto iris and focus. Until now, that left me with only one option: the 16mm pancake lens with the ultra wide converter. But you couldn't use a ND filter on the lens, once the ultra wide converter was mounted on front of the pancake lens. So when you're filming outside on a sunny day, you have to use a high f-value and / or use a higher shutter speed to get the correct exposure. I was and still am very happy with this lens combination for use on the Blackbird stabilizer. The lens is very light and you'll have a good wide view with auto iris and focus,  which can be very handy at times.

Sony's new E-mount 10-18mm f4 super-wide zoom lens (SEL-1018)
The newly announced 10-18mm (15-27mm in 35 mm-camera equivalency) super-wide zoom lens would be a great alternative to the 16mm pancake lens & ultra wide converter because of it's slightly wider view, built-in optical SteadyShot image stabilization system, option to use ND (and other) filters and have a zoom range of 10mm to 18mm. It's also very light at approximately 8 oz / 225g.
<< Now in stock! The Sony SEL1018 E-mount lens - $848.00 >>

Sony's new E-mount 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 powered zoom lens (SEL-P1650)
Sony NEX-6 with the E-mount 16-50mm f3.5-5.6 powered zoom lens (extended)

This side view of the new 16-50mm lens on the NEX-6 is showing the power zoom on the lens
The images above are showing the new Sony Alpha NEX-6 with the very light (4.1 oz /116g) and compact 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 powered zoom lens, which contains built-in Optical SteadyShotâ„¢ image stabilization and is the first lens with an electrically driven zoom mechanism. When the camera is powered on, the lens extends and is instantly ready for shooting. A dual-function control ring is used for both zooming and manual focus.
<< Pre-order the Sony SELP1650 E-mount lens today! Available in January 2013 - $348.00 >>

Sony's new E-mount 35mm f1.8 OSS lens (SEL-35F18)
Last but not least is the Sony E 35mm F1.8 OSS lens. This compact, large-aperture (f/1.8), fixed focal length lens has a focal length of 52.5 mm (35 mm equivalency). The lens supports DMF (Direct Manual Focus), which enables you to resume manual focusing directly after obtaining focus with AF. Just like the other two Sony E-mount lenses it has built-in Optical SteadyShot image stabilization.
<< Pre-order the Sony SEL35F18 E-mount! Expected availability: December 19 - $448.00 >>

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